Purple Coneflower
Genus: Echinacea
Species: purpurea
Parts Used: the flowers, stems and roots

The purple cone flower has a reddish center and purple, red or white petals that hang down. It can grow to be 2-3 feet tall. The center can grow to the size of a child's fist, and the petals are about as long as the diameter of the center. It is part of the daisy and dandelion family.

Scientists have discovered some anti-bacterial properties in its extracts. It gets the immune system of the body

going by activating macrophages, which are involved in destroying bacteria. It also provides relief from insect bites and stings. The flowers also cure acne, boils, and toothaches. The flower may even be helpful in treating tumors. Native Americans used it to fight off the effects of snake bite. They also used it for fevers and to treat infections.

The purple coneflower is a native plant of North America and grows on the plains of midwestern United States. It was used a lot by the Native Americans and early settlers. It also has been successfully grown in New Zealand. It is still used today to treat fever and infections.

Becky W. 2000.



(1999). Island Co-housing Plant Manual, Martha's Vineyard: Indigo Farm.

(1985). Grassland and Tundra, Alexandria, Virginia: Time-Life Books Inc.

Cronquist, A. & Hitchcock, C. (1973). Flora of the Pacific Northwest, Seattle and London: University of Washington Press.

"Echicacea Complex", http://www.smartbasic.com/cat.herbs/echinacea.complex.c.html


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